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Green Jiva is a vegan cosmetics company that strives to build a better, eco-socially aware world.


Green Jiva is a vegan cosmetics company that  creates high quality, ethical and exclusive hand-made cosmetics.

Green Jiva is a company based in Newport, Wales and was founded in 2017 by me (Jess) and my partner Andy. I have extremely sensitive skin and I also suffer from psoriasis;  I remember really struggling to find products which were as natural as possible, did not contain any harmful chemicals or irritants and, importantly, which matched my own high ethical standards. 

Back in 2014 we decided to try and make our own body lotions, moisturisers, soaps and even tooth pastes in our own home.

A few years and a couple of minor kitchen explosions later, we are proud to be launching our first small range of Green Jiva products.


Our aim is to provide unique, high quality products whilst helping to create a cleaner, happier, healthier and more vibrant planet. The quality of each product is second to none and the good news is that when you buy from us you are signing up to a better way of living. We pack our products with natural essential oils and ingredients which will make you look and feel wonderful; we use recyclable glass bottles and aluminium containers rather than plastic; and we are also working on a re-fill system so you can reduce your waste footprint. 


Importantly, we also actively support environmental and ethical causes. Green Jiva’s mission statement is simple: “beauty with soul”. We believe that we can turn our small company into a successful business without turning a blind eye; in our view there is no excuse for modern businesses to ignore their social, ethical and environmental responsibilities. Green Jiva actually puts its money where its mouth is - 5% of all Green Jiva's profits go to the Mino Valley Animal Sanctuary in Northern Spain which is run by two of the most passionate animal-loving pioneers I have had the pleasure of encountering.

We are a simple business with straightforward standards. We make fantastic products using as many natural ingredients as possible. We do not test on animals.

We do not use harmful chemicals in our products. We are transparent  and we explain to you why we use each ingredient.

Our products do not and will never contain parabens, silicones, SLS, sulphates, phthalates, harmful alcohols (save, of course, for perfumers alcohol in our gorgeous perfumes) or synthetic fragrances or colourants. 


Green Jiva is an all-out, singing and dancing, 100% vegan company. Andy and I are both vegan and proud - through Green Jiva we will try and raise awareness of animal rights and eradicate speciesism in the knowledge that we are all equal. 


We are dedicated to raising awareness of environmental and eco-social issues which everybody on this planet can help to address. We will continue to bring you innovative products from wonderful collaborations which you will be directly supporting when you buy Green Jiva products.

We would love to hear your feedback and opinions about our products.

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